
2nd Round table on energy efficiency and renewable energy - 30 Jan 2019, Brussels

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The European Commission is closely looking at pathways to decarbonise the European society. This Low-Carbon Europe 2050 debate needs to involve stakeholders from all the sectors of the industry and the European Commission has initiated a special set of round tables to have a dialogue with the representatives of the diverse food and beverage sector. While the food and beverage sector has regularly taken significant steps to optimise its energy demand and to green its energy supply, continuous decarbonisation still remains a challenge.

Barriers often stand in the way of taking energy efficiency measures or deploying renewable energy and by organising four meetings of round tables, the European Commission is committed to better understand these. The objective will be to discuss the barriers and to possible solutions in terms of policy, finance, sector coupling and others, that could be put in place on the local, national or EU level.

A first round table took place on October 22nd, 2018 in Brussels. Representatives of the industry, sector organisations, the European Commission and experts have discussed the most important barriers for small, medium and large companies across the European Union, and the best strategies to overcome these.

Now, you are cordially invited to the second round table in this series of four which will take place in Brussels on January 30th, 2019. During this, we will discuss best practices policies and programmes stimulating energy efficiency and renewable energy at small- and medium-sized enterprises, and more in particularly in the food and beverage sector.

Click here to register for the event.